Awesome sound from my SACDs!
Hi Alvin, Just to let you know, I got my order of the Pontus II on Nov. 3 and have been enjoying CD-listening through my Oppo player’s...

I am very pleased with the overall performance
I received the Pontus II about a month and a half ago and I am very pleased with the overall performance. I wanted the Pontus in order to...

The Hermes took my satisfaction with the Pontus II and essentially amplified it two-fold
My system consists of Spendor Classic 3/1 speakers, Hermes, Pontus II, and DIY line stages and power amps. I focus on amplification for...

I had to listen again just to make sure I wasn’t imagining things
Here are a few pics of my system with the latest additions of my new CDT and Pontus2 DAC: Jay's Audio CDT2-MK3 Denafrips Pontus 2...

I am a happy camper.
Hi Alvin, I am surely glad to share how the Pontus II DAC is performing in my system. I attached my current audio set-up. FedEx has...

As I enjoy the vintage sound the Ares really fit the bill with its warm characteristic
Hi Alvin! I’m happy to share my thoughts and pictures of my system with you guys. So I bought the Ares 2 after doing a bit of research...

I'm very happy with the purchase.
Alvin, Like all reviews, your opinion may be different than mine. First, audiophile is not a hobby, but an obsession. Second, my stereo...

It was like looking through a window that had been cleaned - everything became clearer
Greetings from New Zealand. I added the Iris DDC to the system in my study this year. I was keen to hear if a cleaner signal from my...