the focus is exclusively on the music
Dear Alvin, A Christmas and New Year's greeting from Bergen, Norway What has really made a difference to the quality of music playback...

I am awed by Denafrips' products!
Want to know my system combi :)? Its Ares II DAC + HADES PreAmp + Genelec -2xG3 Speakers & 1x7050B SW. To describe the music quality,...

DENAFRIPS DAC/Pre/Power Sharing
Here are some picrures of my setup which consist of: (excuse the mess) - zen IFI streamer - Pontus II DAC - Hades preamp - Thallo amp -...

I thoroughly enjoy every moment with your products!
Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoy every moment with your products!! Best regards, Prabha K @ Sri Lanka PRODUCT INFO:...

I now have a full Denafrips rig!
I thought I'd send you a quick photo of the new front end with Apollo at the heart pushing a pair of Q Acoustics Concept 500's... I now...

What is left is the boundless clarity of the Apollo.
Alvin, As I sit here in the early evening glow, it has been 2 weeks since I began breaking in my passive amplification and loudspeaker...

Did I mention goosebumps?
Hello Alvin, Just a note on my experience with the Thallo amplifier: While this amplifier looked like a perfect match for my system I...

I am very impressed with both the physical build and sonic performance!
Now I have spent some time with the Pontus and Hestia. I am very impressed with both the physical build and sonic performance! But I have...