Thank you for bringing Denafrips to the world
I have enjoyed the Denafrips products so far purchasing a pontus for the garage and another for the main system and also a Hestia to play...

World Premiere Review
I am so excited to share with you the World Premiere Review of the all-new DENAFRIPS HADES Preamp and THALLO Power Amp by NBT STUDIO. ...

Growing the Denafrips Family
It all started innocently enough; the Ares II into my ( famous name) integrated amp. Now it's mostly in the family - Iris DDC - Pontus 2...

they all look good and sound good as well.
Wanted to say that I have finally set everything up and they all look good and sound good as well. Credit: Max @ USA
I will recommend your Store to my friends and family!
Thank You very much for the great service, and your help! I will recommend your Store to my friends and family! Credit: Dr Halasz @...

Hestia and Hyperion are sounding real nice
Hestia and Hyperion are sounding real nice with my Audio Vector R3’s Credit: Sean L. PRODUCT INFO: https://www.denafrips.com/dac...

The sound and transparency is phenomenal
This is probably the cheapest high-end and high-quality balanced preamplifier you can get. The sound and transparency is phenomenal. I...

For my tastes, this defines “Musical”
Equipment list: Streamer- Mac Mini DDC- Denafrips Iris (USB in/ I2s) DAC- Denafrips Venus II Preamp- Denafrips Hestia Amp- Denafrips...