The most frequently asked questions, ever! Now we've it answered by a kind soul who owns the #flagship #Terminator, he just bought a Venus as a gift (!) for his buddy!
(How many of us wished to have friend like Eugene?)
Reference System
The Venus and Terminator are setup in Eugene's reference system, comprises of:
Source: Auralic Aries FEMTO
DAC: Venus / Terminator DAC
Preamp: Wyred4Sound STP-SE2
Power Amp (Integrated w/ Bypass): Crayon CIA-1T
Loudspeakers: Spatial Audio M3 Triode Master + Supertweeter

Venus and Terminator

Now, put on your favorite headphone, listen to the video recordings, and judge by yourself :)
Hear the differences? We leave it to your imagination?
Credit: Eugene