My system has reached a new level with the 1.4 Pontus II software upgrade
I went to one of my local jazz clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s called Yoshis. I saw the group ‘The Cookers’. They were rocking a very complex sound. It was dynamic and exciting. Just what I love about live music.
I got that same feeling on my system after I upgraded my Pontus II to the 1.4 upgrade. The bass was deep and solid. The cymbals really sparkle. The side whacks on the drums really had impact. The vocals had a smoothness that was missing for me in the 1.3 upgrade. Trumpets and Saxophones have that real feeling. No haze to the sound The overall sound has a realness to it I hadn’t experienced before.

It sounds louder. But when I used my sound meter on it, I was only reaching peaks of 91 db. It’s just so much more dynamic.
I haven’t fully broken in the sound. I have listened to only a dozen songs. I can’t imagine how much more it will get better after I put 50 hours on it for my break in period.

The 1.4 upgrade is highly recommended by me. I hope you hear what I hear from my system. Here is a couple of pictures of my system. And my speakers.
The system details
Pontus II DAC
Audible Illusions Modulus 3B preamp
Audio Research Classic 60 amp
Project 6.1 turntable
Roon Nucleus music server
PS Audio P12 power regenerator
Klipsch Forte III speakers
Isiah from California