2023 was the year for me to resurrect my 2 channel listening; hence the purchase of the Ares 12th-1. I have had this in my system for about a month now. At about week 3 or so, you can really hear a difference in the DAC. I would follow Vinshine's recommendation to wait at least 10 days before doing critical listening.

All the reviews on you tube and the internet hold true for this DAC. You can sit for hours and just listen and enjoy the music. The soundstage is wide and has great dimensionality. There is great layering and separation between instruments. If you are really looking for an analog type sound, this is a great DAC to consider.
Vinshine has been very responsive to my questions and shipping was prompt ,taking only 5 days to reach the states from China. Bravo! My next purchase that I am considering is the Hermes or Iris as a DDC.
My current setup
Belles Dual Mono Integrated Amplifier (120 watt version)
Eversolo DMP A6 master edition --> Ares 12th-1
Cambridge CXC V2 CD transport
Audio Technica AT-LP140XP turntable with AT VM540ML cartridge --> Belles phono preamp
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II speakers
Audioquest cables
Credit: Alexander @ CA USA