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But this new v1.4 firmware is something else.


I just managed to upgrade my Pontus II to the latest firmware v1.4 following your detailed instructions.

The process is easy peasy (that is, after I finally located a PC in my house that doesn't ask me for the Bitlocker recovery code ;-))

When I finally turned everything back on and started playing a few of my favourite test tracks, my first reaction was "Wow! That's really good!". Remember I purchased the "new" DSP board from you in early April, hoping that I don't have to do the upgrade and also allows me to compare the SQ of the new vs the old. However, this DSP board with an earlier firmware version did not give me the Wow factor at that time. Although I can hear better clarity, it just doesn't have the "warm" and "organic" sound of the "old" firmware. I felt lucky that I kept the old DSP board.

But this new v1.4 firmware is something else.

Not only is the Pontus signature sound quality preserved, there is big improvement in the bass region. The bass notes come out firm but yet relaxed. The mid and treble regions are also improved, especially in vocal tracks, with better clarity and a small improvement in the microdynamics. After a long listening session, I can say this v1.4 firmware upgrade is "Highly Recommended".

What's not to like? It's also FREE.

For your reference, my system consists of:

  • Lumin U2 mini

  • Pontus II DAC

  • Schiit Audio Freya+ preamp (tube mode)

  • Schiit Audio Aegir power amp

  • Magnepan LRS+

  • Interconnect, power and speaker cables from Furutech, WireWorld, XLO, Triode Wire Labs and Zafino

Thank you again for a great job in keeping your customers happy.

Best regards,

Jerry @ Canada





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