Thank you for your email and your product.
My Denafrips Ares II is all and more that I expected from it.
Synergy is a term, in HI Fi, not much used these days, but I use it.
I have the same sound as before but better.
My Exposure 3010S2 CD player, 2 Burr Brown 1704 DAC chips, 12 years old. Was stunning in the musical reproduction that I crave.
It lost the right channel, a perfect excuse to buy the Ares II.
Exposure 3010S2 CD Player
Exposure 3010S2 Amplifier
Computer for streaming YouTube Premium, even more fantastic new music.
Denafrips Ares II DAC
Proac Response D1 Speakers
Quadraspire - Q4 Evo 3-shelf
Tellurium Q Ultra Blue II Speaker Cable Bi-wired
Audioquest Quartz Interconnect Cable - DAC to Amp
QED Performance Graphite USB Cable - Computer to DAC
QED Performance Graphite Optical Cable - CD Player to DAC
Olson Rata Passive Power Conditioner
Bespoke Speaker Stands, made in Birmingham UK
Stephen P. @ NZ
A British man living in New Zealand.