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Denafrips brings a plus of life to the music


I think that musical tastes and those related to types of sound are very personal issues. My musical tastes are blues, bluesrock, progressive rock, rock and jazz. Sometimes something classic but rarely really.

I have been with this wonderful hobby for more than 45 years. Now I am retired and I spend many hours listening to music. Many audio components have passed through my house, although now I have been very quiet for a few years with few changes.

The Denafrips Avatar and Denafrips Terminator have replaced a PS Audio Memory Player and a PS Audio Directstream DAC. Really two different types of sound in my opinion. I find the PS Audio calmer while the Denafrips brings a plus of life to the music, with a more extensive and more controlled bass, really good mids and treble with more definition and that gives the impression that they go even higher providing more air between instruments.

In general and in summary I would say, always in my modest opinion, that Denafrips gives me more power and control in the low part and more instrumental separation throughout the spectrum, being a musical reproduction and with emotion that is fundamental for me when I dedicate long hours to listens. I would also highlight the image and spatial resolution, which is another of my goals in music reproduction.

Really, the quality / price ratio of Denafrips is always, in my opinion, unbeatable.

My system


  • Luxman PD555 with Graham Phantom II Tonearm and Zyx Universe cartridge.

  • Technics SP 10 MK II with Wheaton Triplanar VII tonearm and Transfiguration Proteus cartridge.


  • Denafrips Avatar CDT

  • Denafrips Terminator DAC

  • Matrix X-Spdif 2 Interface

  • Exasound Playpoint Streamer.

  • Keces P3 Linear Power Suply.

  • Oppo BDP-105D

  • Two QNAP NAS


  • Boulder 1012 preamp

  • Boulder 1060 poweramp with Vibex 30 amp powercord.

  • ASR Basis Exclusive Phono preamplifier.


  • Gauder Cassiano


  • Vibex power conditioners with Rodium Sockets.

  • Oyaide Tunami V2 power cords With Oyaide Rodium Plugs

  • Revelation Audio Labs Paradise Interconect cables.

  • Wireworld Gold Starlight Digital Cables

  • Inakustik Reference USB cable.

  • Isoclean Super Focus speakers cable with Isoclean stabilizers.

  • Supra Cat7 Ethernet cables.

Credit: Máximo @ Spain




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