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Denafrips is the best sound I have heard


Dear Alvin,

I want to make you sure that it is not only that I want to buy your products because are really excellent but please accept that … I want to buy from you because of your attitude/approach ! I will repeat once again something I wrote in a previous e-mail : You are always so kind, so friendly and so professional in the communication with me. Please keep going this way with all your customers and I’ m sure that you will be rewarded because you deserve it !


OMG ! I just received my Iris and it’s … amazing ! I m using it either together with Ares II or through Coaxial to my McIntosh C53 ! It’s the first time that I have heard better SQ with any other DAC that I have used with my C53. So far I have tested the MSB Discrete (€15.000 !), WEISS DAC502 (€ 9000) but nothing could beat my McIntosh C53 ! Only your DDC Iris can do that either with Ares II or directly to C53. Iris reveals every single detail of my “streaming system” : Auralic Aries G2.1+Sirius G2.1 ! The described system is … simply the best sound I have ever heard. Although the Sirus G2.1 makes a significant upgrade in my SQ the small Iris ! undertakes to upgrade the SQ in another top Level. The co-operation of Iris with Sirius is really impressive !

I'm wondering how the T+ together with GAIA will sound !!! I mean what is best than that (Ares II + Iris) ? And I’m pretty sure that T+ & GAIA will be … the Audio Nirvana ! I don’t know … maybe are the Auralics before and … the McIntoshes after (MC462 + C53) but the in between Denafrips is the best sound I have heard the last 3 year that I m testing expensive high-end systems in my room, trying to find the best sound.

For the avoidance of any doubt my system is the following :

  • Auralic Aries G2.1 (Network Acoustics ENO ethernet filter cable)

  • Auralic Sirius G2.1 (LL cable connection between Auralics is AQ HDMI firebird)

  • Ares II (Curious evolved USB from Sirius to Ares)

  • Iris DDC (supra coaxial cable)

  • McIntosh C53 pre

  • McIntosh MC462 power amp

  • Paradigm Personna 3F loudpeakers

Credit: Dimosthenis K. @ Athens Greece




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