Dear Alvin,
I want to make you sure that it is not only that I want to buy your products because are really excellent but please accept that … I want to buy from you because of your attitude/approach ! I will repeat once again something I wrote in a previous e-mail : You are always so kind, so friendly and so professional in the communication with me. Please keep going this way with all your customers and I’ m sure that you will be rewarded because you deserve it !

OMG ! I just received my Iris and it’s … amazing ! I m using it either together with Ares II or through Coaxial to my McIntosh C53 ! It’s the first time that I have heard better SQ with any other DAC that I have used with my C53. So far I have tested the MSB Discrete (€15.000 !), WEISS DAC502 (€ 9000) but nothing could beat my McIntosh C53 ! Only your DDC Iris can do that either with Ares II or directly to C53. Iris reveals every single detail of my “streaming system” : Auralic Aries G2.1+Sirius G2.1 ! The described system is … simply the best sound I have ever heard. Although the Sirus G2.1 makes a significant upgrade in my SQ the small Iris ! undertakes to upgrade the SQ in another top Level. The co-operation of Iris with Sirius is really impressive !
I'm wondering how the T+ together with GAIA will sound !!! I mean what is best than that (Ares II + Iris) ? And I’m pretty sure that T+ & GAIA will be … the Audio Nirvana ! I don’t know … maybe are the Auralics before and … the McIntoshes after (MC462 + C53) but the in between Denafrips is the best sound I have heard the last 3 year that I m testing expensive high-end systems in my room, trying to find the best sound.
For the avoidance of any doubt my system is the following :
Auralic Aries G2.1 (Network Acoustics ENO ethernet filter cable)
Auralic Sirius G2.1 (LL cable connection between Auralics is AQ HDMI firebird)
Ares II (Curious evolved USB from Sirius to Ares)
Iris DDC (supra coaxial cable)
McIntosh C53 pre
McIntosh MC462 power amp
Paradigm Personna 3F loudpeakers
Credit: Dimosthenis K. @ Athens Greece