Dear Alvin
Thanks for your concern.
The recently purchased Hermes DDC, arrived safely and correctly packaged.
After installing it between a TEAC VRDS-10 used as CD transport, and the Venus II DAC, and powering the system, it was apparent from the start, the better separation of the instruments and the increase in tri-dimensionality of the soundstage.
I didn't believe the Hermes could improve so much on the Venus II !!
I'm very pleased with the present association Hermes/Venus II, but I still have a question for you:
Adding an external clock , such as the Terra, could further improve audibly, on the actual digital decoding set?
I already posted my review on Google.
System comprises:
Densen B200/Densen B300 (photo 1)
Denafrips Hermes/Denafrips Venus II (photo 2)
heavily modified TimeStep/Technics SL 1210 Mk2 (photo 3)
Jolida JD9 SE1, OPPO BDP-103+HDMI>I2S box - not shown (photo 4)
Sansui TU-919, Yamaha KX-580 SE (photo 5)
STAX SR-007 Mk II/ SRM-007t (photo 6)
Martin Logan EM ESL-X (photo 7)
Best wishes
Afonso @ Portugal