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I love the sound of Denafrips products


* I was very grateful for such a quick and straightforward delivery. Both the Pontus and Hermes arrived quickly, and communication from the team at Vinshine was excellent throughout.

* The Pontus worked beautifully, right from the off, with my Innuos streamer connected via a Ricable USB cable and running a Roon server. My perception is that the sound has been improving through the first couple of weeks of ownership.

* When I introduced the Hermes, with the Innuos connected via the same Ricable USB cable, and then via i2s to the Pontus, I initially had problems with dropouts. Changing the buffer size on Roon from "Default" to 100ms resolved the issue, and all is now well.

* Question: is it likely that Roon will recognise Denafrips products at some point? At the moment Roon tells me that the device is "unidentified". I don't know if there is a material impact, but I guess the buffer issue above would be solved through preconfiguration if the device were recognised (?).

* I often mention it, but Alvin's "How to" videos on YouTube make fiddy configuration issues much more straightforward to manage. I found it easy to configure the i2s connection by following along.

* I love the sound of Denafrips products, and my experiences to date have been nothing but positive.

Best wishes,

Jérôme @ UK




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