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Terminator-Plus is the new benchmark DAC in the block today


Thank you Alvin for sharing this Reviews Video about T+ I am been waiting for, It confirmed what I am hearing from T+ " Transparency & Resolution are the T+ Strongest point.

After letting my most beloved Rockna WaveDream Signature Balanced DAC goes, I was questioned my decision but due to urgently needs quick fund for family needs forced me to do just that selling Rockna. Thanks God to Bart who reached out to me and wants to trade my Rockna Signature Balanced DAC with his newly order T+ that was somewhere on the air ( Brand New Untouched ), @ first i was skeptical due to the fact that my intention was to sale the DAC for money that I was badly need but the same time I will replace Rockna with another DAC down the road, So this had presented the good opportunity and I will be able to achieve both goals. It was hard and unsure decision I might add but I did it with my fingers cross, I guess the word happy ending finally able to insert, Both Bart and I were happy with the result...... It was a WIN WIN WIN for everyone and for myself the fear and wondering can any DAC able to replace Rockna ?

Today, I am very please to say T+ have served me very well and putting a smile on my face without regret of letting Rockna go. Of course Rockna was a better DAC overall, please keep in mind Rockna Signature Balanced DAC is triple the price of T+, with that being said T+ is the new benchmark DAC in the block today.

Special thanks to Alvin for helping all paper work for warranty purposes.

Credit: Andrew T. @ Canada

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