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The Ares is sounding very nice, by the way!


Hi Alvin, I hope you are well.

My current system is as follows, but often gets switched around. My listening space is compromised right now... We are waiting for house renovation, after this, I can have things as I wish. YBA Heritage cd player, Primare NP5 streamer transport as source. An old AVI laboratory series integrated amplifier, ATC SCM7 speakers with a REL t-zero sub.

I use Roon with a Tidal and Qobuz subscription. Speaker Cables are Kimber 4PR varistrand. A Supra Zac optical grom the streamer to the Ares. I also use a Pink Faun galvanic isolation device on my ethernet cable. I bet it appears the most selection of components ever!! I can't image this combination existing anywhere else in the world :)

The Ares is sounding very nice, by the way!

Kind regards

Martyn @ UK




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