Hi Alvin
I wish you a very good year 2022.
This is my impressions about your wonderful products
The Denafrips Pontus II is major step for my research of my emotional hifi system. The dac inside the Quad DMP was very good and better than a Topping D90.
But the Denafrips Pontus II is in another league with so much more depth and presence.
According to Peter Walker (Quad) The « closest approach » has never been so close with Denafrips.
I had many mails with Alvin Chee (Denafrips) and I like the way he works . I am now so fan of the Denafrips products and Alvin Chee work that I also bought a DDC Hermès for the Denafrips Pontus.
Now time to enjoy music.

My setup :
Loudspeaker : Amphion Argon LS7
Pre Amplifier Quad Artera
Amplifier Quad Platinum Stereo
Cdplayer Quad platinum DMP
Streamer : Sotm 200 Neo + Farad power
Hi-Amp Antares Headphone amplifier + Stax L700
Dac : Denafrips Pontus II + DDC Hermès
Kind regards,
Laurent from France