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With the Denafrips Ares II the impossible has...been achieved.


Hi Alvin,

Your email just arrived as I am listening to your product.

I am very happy to say I am simply delighted with the Ares II – listening to CDs has now finally become a regular thing for me. I was one of those who was a committed hi-fi enthusiast (listening to vinyl) when CD first arrived all those years ago. I found CDs to be a great disappointment in sound quality – they never sounded natural or real. With the Denafrips Ares II the impossible has, after so many years, been achieved. All my CDs now sound like real music – rich and colourful and a pleasure to listen to.

I heartily congratulate Denafrips for their unexpected and amazing technical achievement - and, more than that, for making their wonderful technology available at a very reasonable price.

So – well done, and thank you!

Kind regards

Peter O’ @ NZ


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